Monday, March 18, 2024

About Last Night... (1986) * * * 1/2


Directed by:  Edward Zwick

Starring:  Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Jim Belushi, Elizabeth Perkins, Tim Kazurinsky, Donna Gibbons, George DiCenzo

About Last Night... was made in the mid-1980's, but its themes and emotions are universally relevant no matter time nor place.  Rob Lowe and Demi Moore previously appeared together in the previous year's St. Elmo's Fire, but About Last Night... is a more perceptive and funnier film about post-college adult angst and romance.  

The movie, based on a David Mamet play, is centered in Chicago where best friends/co-workers Danny (Lowe) and Bernie (Belushi) frequent singles bars looking for Miss Right Now.  One night, Danny hooks up with Debbie (Moore), and soon fall in love and move in together, to the consternation of Bernie and Debbie's best friend Joan (Perkins), who is in a relationship with a man whose marriage is on the rocks.  Bernie is upset because Danny is no longer his wingman at the bars.  Joan, who dislikes Bernie intensely, thinks Debbie is moving too fast.  In both instances, the friends feel left out.  

Once the novelty of being roommates wears off, Danny and Debbie start to annoy each other with little things that become bigger problems.  Bernie tries to sway Danny towards available one-night stands even though he is clearly taken.  It's not that Bernie is blind to this fact.  He just thinks Debbie is a phase Danny will soon grow out of.   Mostly he misses hanging with his friend.   Joan reacts mostly the same way in her subtle ways she attempts to cast doubt on the relationship.  In a lesser movie, they would be treated as villains.  In this movie, their motives are understandable and they are complicated, much like Danny and Debbie.

About Last Night...allows its characters to not be perfect.  Danny and Debbie are, of course, physically attractive people, but they have their faults, insecurities, and have a lot of growing to do.  They are also engaging and have personalities.  They have chemistry, but that only takes them so far when it comes to what each wants out of the relationship.  And don't think Bernie and Joan aren't influencing them even in small ways which they may not even realize.   About Last Night...follows the romantic comedy formula, but the ending isn't exactly a happy one where they Debbie and Danny jump into each other's arms.  Their final meeting is full of apprehension, fear, and ultimately hope.  We don't know where it will lead, and maybe that's life itself. 

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