Directed by: Alex Parkinson
Starring: Woody Harrelson, Simu Liu, Finn Cole, Cliff Curtis, MyAnna Burning, Mark Bonnar, Josef Altin
Last Breath is based on a true story of a saturation diver who, while attempting to repair a pipeline hundreds of feet deep in the ocean, is stranded for nearly thirty minutes without oxygen. I won't give away the ending, but it's unlikely a documentary (made in 2018) and a feature film would be made about a diver who perishes.
The movie tells the story in taut fashion, with the mission to repair a section of natural gas pipeline beneath the tempestuous North Sea coming to the forefront quickly. We meet Chris (Cole), one of the mission divers who says goodbye to his trepidatious fiancee who fears the worst as Chris goes away for one month. He assures her nothing bad will happen, but of course we know better. Chris is inexperienced but skilled. His crew consists of Duncan (Harrelson), the veteran who is working his last mission, and Dave (Liu), the laser-focused expert who doesn't have time to discuss his personal life.
We see the pod from which the drivers will descend into the depths to the ocean floor lowered. We learn what has to be done and why. The ship which serves as headquarters is traveling through choppier than normal seas. "It's the North Sea, after all," one of the crew members says, but a storm hits causing the ship to lose all power and Chris' oxygen hose to snap while he's working on a platform. He has reserve oxygen in his scuba gear, but only ten minutes worth. Once ten minutes comes and goes, we see displays on the screen ominously informing us of how long Chris has gone without air. He passes out and after twenty minutes or so, Dave and Duncan, who are unable to rescue him until power is restored, fear the rescue will soon become a body recovery.
The actors try their best to instill their characters with personality. Harrelson relies on his effortless charm while Liu combines expertise with intensity. We of course feel for Chris while knowing that, by some miracle, he will turn out okay. That doesn't diminish the impact when Chris awakes from death's door and... Yes, I said I wouldn't give away the ending, but I'm sure you figured it out by now.