Monday, July 29, 2024

The Fabulous Four (2024) * 1/2


Directed by:  Jocelyn Moorhouse

Starring:  Susan Sarandon, Bette Midler, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Megan Mullally, Bruce Greenwood, Timothy V. Murphy, Michael Bolton

The Fabulous Four (not to be confused with The Beatles) features four great actors wasted in a forgettable comedy.  It is intended to be a romp in which three women of a certain age take a trip to Key West to act as a bridesmaid for their friend Marilyn (Midler), who is getting remarried six months after her husband's death.  Lou (Sarandon) is a heart surgeon who dotes on her cats and is still angry at Marilyn for stealing away her man and marrying him many years ago.   The other friends, cannabis farmer Kitty (Ralph) and horny, CBD gummy-popping singer Alice (Mullally), trick Lou into coming to Key West by promising she can adopt a six-toed cat from Hemingway House if she promises to go there in person.  

Lou is not thrilled to have been tricked into coming to Marilyn's, but she stays and stews in her anger.  Marilyn, meanwhile, has become addicted to Tik-Tok posting, which I suppose gives her something to do.  The only woman of the four to have any children is Kitty, whose daughter has become ultra-religious and forced her gay grandson out of the house.  How this story arc begins involves the man stripping for Marilyn at a makeshift bachelorette party.  Kitty doesn't recognize him until she spots a mark on his keister, which is one of many contrivances The Fabulous Four expects you to believe.

Lou, while walking along the main drag of Key West, accidentally walks into a bicyclist named Ted (Greenwood), who owns a local bar.  A thief tries to steal the bike, but Lou uses a sex toy as a slingshot and knocks the thief off of the bike.  It seems Ted and Lou are lovestruck, and later, Lou drops by the bar and tells Ted the whole story of Marilyn's treachery.  I don't know how she told the story without once mentioning Marilyn's name, as this will come into play later in a plot point you see coming from miles away.   How that mishap is explained away is another ridiculous development. 

The Fabulous Four contains numerous scenes of characters getting stoned on gummies and one of Michael Bolton appearing on stage at another bachelor party.  How much does it cost to book him?  I'd be more interested to find that out than anything else in The Fabulous Four.  The foursome does what they can with this material, but their efforts are all for naught.  You're most likely not to recall much about the movie very soon.  

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