Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Front Room (2024) *


Directed by:  Sam Eggers and Max Eggers

Starring:  Brandy Norwood, Kathryn Hunter, Andrew Burnap

The Front Room is a "from hell" movie, where the mother-in-law from hell moves into an otherwise happy home and turns it upside down.  The Front Room, however, is not a comedy, but a dull, serious attempt at horror, or is it suspense?  Who knows, but it doesn't operate on its intended level or any level.  It runs until the end credits and you would be fortunate to recall anything about it by the time you walk to the parking lot.  

Brandy Norwood stars as Belinda, a professor in the late stages of pregnancy.  She and her husband Norman (Burnap) eagerly await the baby and turn the front bottom-floor room into the baby's room.  These happy plans are upended by the death of Norman's father, who was married for many years to a manipulative shrill named Solange (Hunter) who disapproves of Norman's marriage and even more so that they're having a baby.  Solange, thanks to Norman's father requests in his will, moves into Norman's house and takes up residency in the baby's room of the house.

In a likely homage to Rosemary's Baby, Solange has strange visitors over to act creepily towards the baby and the family.  She also induces incontinence in order to focus the attention on herself.  What is Solange's endgame in all of this?  She doesn't seem to possess supernatural powers.  She's just mean, spiteful, and vicious.  Hunter gives a nervy performance of a character with very few redeeming qualities, but Solange and this movie should've been shown the front door a long time ago. 

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