Directed by: Louis Gasnier
Starring: Dave O'Brien, Thelma White, Warren McCollum
The plot (plot?) is about a group of seemingly upstanding white folks who hold parties where weed is smoked and bad things immediately happen, including murder and a hit-and-run accident. Marijuana leads to violence, rape, improper behavior, sex, and a future murder trial. Don't say you haven't been warned. Maybe Reefer Madness deserved to be satirized in books and movies chronicling the worst movies ever made, but I couldn't help but at least be mildly entertained by its absurdity for a brief period.
The people puff on the joint instead of inhaling and immediately their eyes turn crazed. One guy orders a woman (who is sitting at the piano with a joint hanging from her mouth like a cigarette) to "play faster" as he rubs his hands together simulating masturbation. I wonder if there was a movie titled "Masturbation Madness" somewhere. Reefer Madness was made during The Great Depression. Weren't there bigger fish to fry? Like millions unemployed in need of work?
Yes, Reefer Madness is a bad film; overacted and as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. But pointing out its badness is as redundant as complaining about a dog barking. But, the purpose of my blog is to watch movies and report my observations to you, so I will do so. Even with a movie made eighty plus years ago which wound up amusing likely stoned audiences at midnight theater screenings.
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